The 13th International Conference on Surface Exploitation OMC 2018 was held in the period from 17.10. to 10/20/2018 at the Palisad Hotel on Zlatibor. The conference was attended by over 140 domestic and foreign experts in mining and geology, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia.

In addition to experts from Serbia, experts from 8 European countries (Republika Srpska, Montenegro, Macedonia, Germany, Austria, Greece, Great Britain and the Czech Republic) also attended.

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Participants of the 13th International Conference on Surface Exploitation

The opening ceremony of the conference was chaired by prof. dr Vladimir Pavlović (president of the Yugoslav Committee for Surface Exploitation), doc. dr Tomislav Šubaranović (president of the Association of Mining and Geology Engineers of Serbia) and prof. Dr. Carsten Drebenstedt (President of the German Association of Mining Engineers).

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Chairman of the Conference

The conference was opened by the Assistant Minister of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Ivan Janković.

On his own behalf, on behalf of the Minister and in front of the relevant ministry, he greeted all those present and wished them successful work at the conference.

He thanked the Association of Mining and Geological Engineers of Serbia and the Yugoslav Committee for Surface Mining for investing enormous efforts and managing to organize this international conference for 26 years, which brings together a large number of domestic and foreign experts in the field of mining and geology.

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Assistant Minister Ivan Jankovic

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Address by the Assistant Minister of Mining and Energy, Mr. Ivan Janković

Conference participants were greeted by Doc. dr Tomislav Šubaranović (president of the Association of Mining and Geology Engineers of Serbia), Prof. Dr. Carsten Drebenstedt (President of the Association of Mining Engineers of Germany), Dr. Larry Thomas, the world's leading geological expert on coal, Mitrovic Slobodan (Executive Director for Technical Affairs of Coal Production EPS), Dejan Miljanovic (Director of Coal Production EPS) and Veselin Bulatovic coal EPS - Branch of TE-KO Kostolac).

In the opening ceremony of the Conference, Doc. Tomislav Šubaranović said that 2018 is a jubilee year, that is, the 150th year of the existence of the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia.

He also mentioned that the Association of Mining and Geological Engineers is a member of the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, which is the oldest engineering and professional organization in the Republic of Serbia.

On that occasion, on the occasion of the 1.5th century of existence of the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, for exceptional results and merits in achieving the goals and tasks of SITS, as well as SIRGS, he distributed four letters of thanks.

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Address by the President of SIRGS

The letter of thanks in front of the Geological Survey of Serbia was received by the director prof. Dragoman Rabrenović, and in front of the Yugoslav Committee for Surface Exploitation, the president prof. Vladimir Pavlović, who also received a letter of thanks as an individual. The second letter of thanks as an individual was received by prof. Dragan Ignjatović.

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Prof. Pavlović receives a letter of thanks

SIRGS konferencija OMC 2018

Prof. Ignjatovic receives a letter of thanks

During two working days, about forty oral presentations of scientific and professional papers were held. In the accompanying program of the Conference, through presentations and presentations, several domestic and foreign manufacturers of equipment and software, hardware and technological solutions in the field of mining and geology took part.

Within the Conference, a Round Table was held on the topic of Strategic Directions of Resource Management and Exploitation Development with a special emphasis on digital mining.

After an exhaustive discussion, the following conclusions were reached:

  • 1. Develop a new Mineral Resources Management Strategy;
  • 2. Innovate the Long-term program of coal exploitation in the coal basins of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia;
  • 3. Innovate legislation in the field of mining sector or related to it in accordance with good world practice, as follows:
    • - Clear demarcation in relation to other activities (construction, mechanical, electrical and other),
    • - Implementation of professional licenses,
    • - Development and adoption of legal data (Rulebook, etc.),
    • - Strengthening the authority of the institutional framework;
  • 4. Raise human resources and competencies at the level of the entire mining sector, through mandatory continuing education, as follows:
    • - Programs of specialist studies of higher education institutions,
    • - Education programs organized by guild associations,
    • - Education programs of other institutions in the field of mining and geological sector,
    • - Participation in domestic and foreign guild conferences, symposia and seminars.

The Collection of Abstracts was printed from this Conference, as well as the Collection of Papers on CD, in which 40 scientific and professional papers in the field of mining, geology, environmental protection and management were published.